Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fear: the New World Order

It was reported today that the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. was evacuated because of what was suspected was a possible terrorist attack about to take place but what turned out to be the slight human error. (Link)

It seems we've been now become wired, sprung and ready should news of a new terrorist attack break. I've certainly experienced a quiet moment of panic whilst travelling on the underground one evening. Nothing like the train driver announcing that the train wasn't going to leave the station because there was an unattended parcel on the station platform and he could not leave the station until it was dealt with. That certainly elicited a few furtive glances to the side and a few nervous chuckles. With the still raw memory of the 7/7 attacks in London five years ago, quite a few of us that evening had our collective what if moment, and it would be remiss of me to not admit that yes, I said my little prayer.

There has always been the threat of terrorist attacks; the IRA, the Basques etc. but since the horrible events of September 11, the world has witnessed the rise of the new militants, some who've vowed to continue to fight a millenia long war; others going on the offensive to restore their all fighting for their perceived causes. No longer relegated to the "backwaters" of the globe, these conflicts have now spilled over into major international metropolises. Worse still, these attacks and threats are seemingly being planned and carried out by not by foreigners, but increasingly by those born and bred on the new homefronts.

It seems the "First World" is now being governed by the dictates of fear. Huge budgets are being allocated in keeping everyone safe and all efforts are being made to thwart repeats of past attrocities. The problem with that, is that you can't take a rational approach in dealing with people hellbent on carrying out seemingly irrational acts.

A great read for those interested in the conflict between East and West, I found this book very good; gave me quite a good education on the different factions and conflicts that are still taking place a thousand years after they began.

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