Jamaican Takes Office As California's AG
KAMALA HARRIS, daughter of Jamaican professor and economist Donald Harris, took the oath of office as California's first female and first minority attorney general on Monday. (rest of the story here (Link)Another proud moment for us Jamaicans, another of our fellow citizens who's managed to rise to the top of their field.
Too bad, that should she decide to serve the country of her father, and to which I am sure she has some great affinity, our misguided constitution would not allow this. A country badly in need of her learning and experiences and not recognising that, instead of having a serious discussion on the issue of dual nationality, and seeing how we can harness the potential contributions of those in the diaspora who have the capacity to meaningfully do so; we get caught up on discussing simple the things.
A lot of Jamaicans are under the impression that once you leave our fair isle, that things are easy. Whenever a Jamaican progresses through the ranks it cuz "cho, fa-rin easy"; but for many Jamaicans who've succeeded and those on their way to succeeding the path have and are doing so because they have fought hard; for many there were no handouts.
How many other Jamaicans out there, who by grit and determination have managed to reach to the top of their piles. How many other Jamaicans who who through hard work and education abroad, have gained that invaluable knowledge base and practical hands on experience are we as a nation not willing to accommodate? Four years after the issue has been raised, we have gotten NOWHERE in the discussions that we as a country are at some point going to have to have. With the majority of our best and brightest seeking distant shores as they look for opportunities to better their lots in life, if we don't you have to wonder who about the stock from which we will pull our future leaders.
Congrats Ms. Harris, you've done us proud
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