Monday, December 13, 2010

Another case gone to court

It seems the JLP have now decided to challenge Sharon Hay-Websters legitimacy as a member of the nations parliament; the cynic in me asks why now? Listening to the newly elected general secretary of the JLP Aundre Franklin trying to rationalize their long delayed decision to uphold Jamaica's constitution, I could only think, "come on, when are we as Jamaicans going to stop this foolishness and finally grow up".

The general elections were held on September 3, 2007. Yes, September 3, 2007, over 3 years and 3 months ago. Mind you, elections are constitutionally due every five years, so having seen the majority of the time they've been mandated to govern pass, the JLP weren't bothered to have pursued action until now, at this late stage in their administration. It's been suggested/known from the very time this dual citizenship matter was raised and gained prominence in national affairs that Mrs. Hay-Webster was an American citizen; in fact Mrs. Hay-Webster unlike some of her colleagues on either her side or the other side of the political divide made no effort to deny or hide her nationality status. I wonder if these dual citizen challenges will continue until the 13th hour, one the eve of the "upcoming" elections.

If it's a matter of principle, why have our leaders, those who are so affected, not acted on their consciences and declare whether or not their tenure as the people's representatives is constitutionally legitimate or why the leaders of both political parties have not insisted that they do.  

Quite frankly, I am sick of it. This tit-for-tat business our political leaders like to play with our nation's destiny; never looking beyond how they can gain the upperhand over their adversaries. The PNP started this all brouha when they discovered "their principles" through the machinations of Mr. Abe Dabdoub who mind you was a member of the Jamaica Labour Party 2 years before. How ironic is it that it took the PNP losing the general election to rediscover "principle", they certainly weren't concerned with the legitimacy of the house when they were in power and members on both the governing and opposition sides held dual citizenship status. We only seem to act in this country, to right the wrongs when our view of the status quo in Jamaica is affected. We certainly aren't bothered when our neighbours cry out for justice, and only spring into action when issues or circumstances hit close to home. The hypocrisy being demonstrated by both sides show how far we have to go as a modern democracy; the day we get rid of our stymied, political system, where the tribalists and not the true patriots are the ones who are not in charge is the day Jamaica can truly be called a mature democracy.

Many Jamaican's have sought and continue to seek distant shores. We strive in public and private sector roles that we've taken up on our adopted shores. In fact, we are quite proud as Jamaicans when we see our fellow citizens achieve, more so when it's done on foreign shores and seemingly against the odds. We've heard of Jamaican's excelling particularly in various public administrative role particularly in the United States, where this dual-nationality issue seems to most directed. It must be noted that holders of dual nationality obtained from other Commonwealth. In fact Robert Mugabe from Zimbabwe as the law stands, is more qualified to represent the people of Jamaica than many of our esteemed citizens abroad.    

Quite frankly, the rule makes no sense. The opportunity to serve our country is a privilege, and not a right. We want to encourage Jamaican's of independent means and thinking, those not looking to feed from the feeding trough that has characterised our brand of politics to contribute to national life. The decision to enter politics should be formed from a true patriotic decision to represent, not one that's clouded by economic considerations. Having built lives abroad, asking (when compared to some of the current lot overqualified) candidates, our potential leaders, who can truly transform our fair isle to not only turn their backs on the place that built them and where they made their names, but to forgo or abandon the benefits that they've accrued is asking a bit much. If we were able to promote a system where people in a bid to do service to their country could take a step away from their lives, and give back and contribute to public life, imagine how enriched Jamaica could be. Instead of having individuals who viewed politics as a lifelong career, we were able to have individuals who could take sabbaticals of one or two or even five years and devote to national service, just imagine the leaps and bounds that we would as a nation. Take the example of Mr. Don Wehby. 

It must be noted, that it has been the official line of the government's representative for sometime now, certainly in the UK and I would imagine elsewhere, for Jamaican's living abroad both legally and illegally to regularize their status, claiming citizenship where this was possible so that they could derive all the benefits that accrue from living there. 

Conflicting no? 

But then again, that's our Jamaica where contradiction reigns.

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